
Thursday, July 25, 2013

SASJA - Articles of Incorporation

Saint Anthony Spiritual Journey Homes


SASJA - Articles of Incorporation

               We the undersigned natural persons of the age of 21 years or more, at lest two of whom are citizens of the State of Texas, acting as incorporators of a corporation under the Texas Non-Profit Corporation Act, do hereby adopt the following Articles of Incorporation for such corporation.


               The name of the corporation is St. Anthony Spiritual Journey Home (SASJH).


               The corporation is a non-profit corporation.


               The period of its duration is perpetual.


               The purposes for which the corporation is organized are to support and conduct research, pastoral counseling, and education; and to promote spiritual health through writing and publishing, group meetings, training and education, gatherings of people, speaking and preaching the principles and practices of the Catholic and Christian tradition, in concert with the following specifications:

               (a)  The corporation and activities operated by it shall not solicit or accept funds from any governmental body or agency, or subject itself to the regulations that comes from such acceptance.

               (b)  The corporation shall not contract with any governmental body or agency, or with any other corporation or association, which may exercise influence over instruction in conflict with the purposes and methods of this organization.


               The street address of the original registered office of this corporation is 12343 Haroldson Forest Drive, Houston, Texas  77044-5007; and the name of its original registered agent at such address is (Rev. Joseph) Bang Dinh Doan. 


               The number of directors constituting the initial Board of Directors of the corporation is three (3), and the names of the persons who serve as the initial directors who may be contacted at the corporate address (12343 Haroldson Forest Drive, Houston, Texas  77044-5007):

               (a)  (Rev. Joseph) Bang Dinh Doan

               (b)  (Rev.) Anthony Vu-Hung Ton

               (c)  (Tung Ngoc Le


               The directors named in these Articles of Incorporation as the first Board of Directors shall hold office until the first annual meeting of directors, at which an election of directors shall be held.  Thereafter, the term of office of each director shall be three (3), two (2), and one (1) respectively, and until the next annual meeting of directors following the expiration of his/her term and the qualifications of his/her successor in such office, and all subsequent terms of office shall be three (3) years.  The Board of Directors may increase its number, but not to exceed seven (7) years.  Vacancies in the Board of Directors may be filled by special election called by the Chairman of the Board of Directors.  The Board of Directors may designate a list of associate directors who shall become directors in the event that all director positions shall become vacant before an election can be held.


               The name of each incorporator, who may be contacted by mail directed to the corporate address of 12343 Haroldson Forest Drive, Houston, Texas  77044-5007, is:

               (a)  (Rev. Joseph) Bang Dinh Doan.

               (b)  (Rev.) Anthony Vu-Hung Ton.

               (c)  Tung Ngoc Le.


               Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, the purposes for which this corporation is organized are limited to such as will qualify it as a tax-exempt and tax-deductible organization under current constitutional statutes of the United States and of the states or nations within which its operations are conducted, including, for such purposes, the making of distributions to other organizations that are similarly tax-exempt and tax-deductible.

               This corporation shall not expend any substantial part of its assets, properties, or net earnings to support or oppose legislation, nor shall it expend any funds or make any statements in support or opposition to any candidate for public office.\

               No part of the assets, properties, or net earnings of this corporation, on dissolution or otherwise, shall inure to the benefit of any private person or individual or any member or director of this corporation, except in payment of just debts or obligations, or as grants to support work for the purposes of the corporation, but no director, officer, or employee of this corporation, or immediate family members thereof, may receive such grants or payment for anything but services to the corporation at prevailing market rates.

               On liquidation or dissolution of this corporation, all its properties or assets remaining after paying or providing for all just debts shall be distributed and paid over to such fund, foundation, or corporation organized and operated for charitable purposes similar to those of this corporation, as determined by the board of directors of the corporation, and as shall at the same time qualify as a tax-exempt and tax-deductible organization.

               In witness whereof, we have hereunder set our hands, this the fourteenth day of February, in the year of our Lord, 2008

               (a)  (Rev. Joseph) Bang Dinh Doan

               (b)  (Rev.) Anthony Vu-Hung Ton

               (c)  Tung Ngoc Le